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Nov 18

We had a great thanksgiving lunch @Gen Korean BBQ House!

Nov 15

Jeffrey and Sherry attended the “AIChE annual meeting” in Phenix and Jeffrey won the poster award for presenting our engineered CRISPR-Cas13 work!

Oct 31

Emmanuel, Bryant, and Sherry attended the “5th International Conference on CRISPR Technologies” at UC Berkeley!

Sep 26

Welcome Emmanuel Osikpa (who just graduated from Johns Hopkins) to join our lab!

Sep 22

Our Engineered Cas13 paper was published in Nature Chemical Biology! Congratulations to Jie, Jeffrey, Bryant, Adi, and all co-authors!

Aug 22

Qiuyue’s paper on fungal natural product genome mining was published in AIChE Journal. Congrats!

Aug 5

Our undergraduate, Camille, was recognized for “the Mastery in Poster Presentation” at the 2022 Rice Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium!

Jul 17 – 21

Sherry has been invited to the 2022 China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by the National Academy of Engineering!

Jul 10 – 15

Sherry has been invited to the Gorden Conference 2022 biocatalysis as a speaker and session chair!

Jun 29 – 30

Bryant and Zane presented high-quality Ph.D. thesis proposals.  Congrats on becoming Ph.D. candidates and we celebrated with Sushi and Icecream!

Jun 20 – 22

Sherry was invited to the Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas 2022 annual meeting as a Protégé. It was very impressive!

Jun 15

Qichen attended the CRISPR2022 conference in Boston and won the TOP poster award!

May 23

Our undergraduate Angela received the summer research grant @NIGMS for two consecutive years (2021 & 2022)! I greatly appreciate the commitment from both our @Rice Undergraduates and @NIH funding agent to support biomedical research!

May 19

Qichen’s paper is on Nature Communications today! I am so proud of him for accomplishing this highly innovative and independent work! See it on Rice News.

May 14

Congratulate Qichen won the 2nd position award among all trainee oral presentations at the 35th SCBA-TX annual meeting!

May 8

Congratulate Qichen won the 2022 IBB graduate student travel award! He will be attending the CRISPR 2022 Conference in Cambridge!

May 6

Congratulate Our undergraduate, Jeffrey Vanegas won James S. Waters Creativity Award, NIH grant, RURS top poster, Distinguished Junior Merit Scholarship, and more! See it on Rice News.

April 11

Sherry received the 2022 Young Faculty Research Award from Rice School of Engineering! Thanks for all members’ contributions to it!

Feb 15

Our NSF Faculty Early CAREER Award was funded today! Huge congratulations to our whole team!!

Jan 18

Victor Paredes finished his training as a Research Assistant in the Gao lab! Now is a Research Associate in Lonza Cell and Gene Therapy!

Jan 2 – 6

Qiuyue and Sherry attended the Enzyme Mechanism Conference in Arizona & in person!